Public Commissions
4 limestone reliefs, 6' x 6' each
Emergence and Transition

City of Sculpture and Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, Hamilton OH
Limestone, 8' x 20" x30" each
Indiana Limestone, 6' x 8' x 8'
Limestone, 5′ x 3′ x3″
Limestone, bronze, 9′ x 4′ x 4′
Koi Pond

Finger labyrinth and benches for Eskenazi Hospital, Indianapolis IN. Installation took place in 2018.
38” x 18” x 4” Limestone
Carver’s Roliquery

A tribute to architectural limestone carving, commissioned by Conner Prairie History Museum, Fishers IN
12″ Limestone
The Human Brain

Commissioned for the 125th anniversary of the Department of Psychology and Brain Sciences, IU Bloomington.
8' x 6' x 5.5' limestone and stainless steel
Simon Building, Indiana University
Indiana Limestone – Lifesize
Indiana Limestone
Indiana Limestone
Indiana Limestone
Indiana Limestone
Indiana Limestone
Indiana Limestone
Indiana Limestone